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Sun & Steel Supplements

Sleep Tape

Sleep Tape

Regular price $23.99 CAD
Regular price $34.99 CAD Sale price $23.99 CAD
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30 Day Supply of Premium Sun And Steel Sleep Tape

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Sleep tape is a key component of sleep optimization.

One of the main reasons people struggle with sleep and either don’t get enough or get poor quality sleep is sleep apnea (essentially the struggle to breathe while sleeping). 

In the vast majority of cases, this is due to poor nasal breathing (which also causes snoring).

When it comes to our noses the old adage is true: if you don’t use it you lose it… or at least it doesn’t work as well.

The importance of nasal breathing has been well understood for a millennia across cultures.

Without going into tedious detail, suffice it to say breathing through your nose improves performance. At the very least it improves the quality of your sleep, and better sleep means you do better at work, at home and in the gym.

Unfortunately, in recent history we seem to have forgotten the importance of breathing through our noses.

Children are not taught to breathe through their noses during their primary physical education. There is no stigma around heavy mouth breathing. The result? We are losing our noses and becoming a nation of mouth breathers. 

Sleep tape is a modern mechanical solution to this problem.

It sounds radical (taping your mouth shut while you sleep) but you are encouraged to try it. The first couple nights you might wake up with the tape on the other side of the room having torn it off in your sleep, but stick with it. After a few days you will wake up and take an extremely satisfying deep inhale through your nose, which to those of us who are used to waking up congested is a great gift.

It can be annoying and tedious work forcing ourselves to breathe through our noses during the day. We face all sorts of distractions. Using a mechanical aid, such as sleep tape, and forcing ourselves to breathe through our noses while we are unconscious will get our poor restricted and atrophied nasal pathways working again.

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